Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 29 and 30

Yesterday we went to church with Lindsey...let's just say we white girls were the minority and it was awesome! Cool thing about the sermon is that Pastor Walter preached on meditating on the Word at all times, and they passed out some of the Bibles that we were able to donate. After church we said good-bye to Lindsey and all of our new friends and hit the road again.

We drove all the way to Mississippi where we spent the night and did some treasure hunting today before continuing to Nashville, Tennessee.

  • Last night at dinner we got to talking with a big group of people sitting near us who encouraged when they saw us praying over our meal. Turns out they all had just come from church and matched some of our clues! Ten treasures in one place at one time...sweetness :)
  • Prayed for Heather and her twins Logan and Eli. This encounter was really cool because she was a Christian and asked that we pray for her light to shine even greater as a believer. She was encouraged that God had brought us to her, and she wanted all the prayer we had! I (Kiersten) also began to pray over her that she was not forgotten... later realizing that FORGOTTEN was a word on our list God had given us.
  • Norma and Kay were walking towards us in a store when we stopped them. Norma had her right arm in a sling (all of which was a clue). She also was a believer and told us she had so many people praying for her that she said she knows it is healed! Yeah!! And she also mentioned that she thinks she's God's favorite :)
  • In a bookstore we found Jennifer, and told her how much God loved her... after talking she wished us the best on our journey.
  • A lady (who's name we didn't get!) in Maurices.
  • Justin, probably 14 years old, was wearing a jersey with the number 14 (both that number and his name were clues God gave us!)... he was all smiles.
  • When we got to TN, we went to get a drink... as we were walking out I (Kiersten) saw a girl sitting down with her friend. I noticed some kind of bird tattoo on her shoulder but I wasn't positive of the bird. Then we walked a ways down the road, turned around (haha), and went back. Turns out it was an OWL tattoo... and owl is a clue! Brittany (with the tattoo) and her friend Kaitlyn were especially curious about out trip and purpose. It was great :)
Blessings/Funny stuff:
  • Last night was HOT...hotter than the first. We decided we had entered the fiery furnace.
  • It's a blessing to bless others with what God gave us.
  • The South was a blessing...very friendly and receptive.
  • Dani and Kiersten had a hand puppet show in the van as we roasted in the furnace.
  • We had a great discussion last night at midnight, which included topics such as the end times, worship, Church Alive, and C2.

Matthew 10:39 "If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it." We believe we have only begun this journey, this joyride. All praise, love, and thanks to Jesus Christ for everything that happened here.


1 comment:

  1. You guys are great. Looking forward to seeing you soon!! Take you.
