Saturday, June 12, 2010


Once again, the internet chose not to cooperate last, here is the scoop on day 13:

Thursday night we entered the arctic tundra that is Idaho. Needless to say, we were very unprepared for the weather. It was windy and FREEZING - even without cracking the windows - and we only had sweatshirts and shorts to sleep in. All efforts to wrap ourselves in whatever coverings we had failed to warm our bodies. Let me give you a picture: Dani wrapped herself in a towel and blanket, Kiersten smothered herself with the one sweatshirt she has, and I covered my whole body with my sleeping bag as if I were a caterpillar in a coccoon. We didn't get much sleep at all, that's for sure.

Now we are staying in Sun Valley with Kiersten's Uncle Eric (now OUR uncle) for the weekend. We know we're supposed to be here because a majority of our clues are everywhere. After much prayer God has also confirmed to all of us that we are supposed to stay here until Sunday. From here we don't know exactly where we are going so please pray specifically for direction in the next couple days.

Blessings/Funny Stuff
  • Tour of the city including the fire station where Eric works and famous peoples' houses (Arnold Schwarzneggar, Tom Hanks, and Clint Eastwood), free dinner, a shower, and a bed to sleep in. All thanks to Uncle Eric.
  • Dani made omelets for breakfast :)
  • We haven't had to use our mace yet, nor have we encountered any crazies - Praise Jesus!
  • Urtle (or Yurtle - we're not sure?) the turtle
  • It hailed. On Abravan. What a sport he is.

We think the "encounter" part of our trip is a little out-of-the-box this weekend but we'll see what God has in store.


the b the d the k


  1. It's actually Yertle the Turtle. Hope you stay warm; it's actually way too hot and muggy back here in Lafayette so I think I'd trade you at the moment.

  2. Hi girls....sorry I haven't commented for a few days....glad to hear about all you are doing! I love you guys and hope you have a fun and very productive remaining of your trip. Be careful and see you soon...Jill
