Sunday, May 16, 2010


Last fall when the vision for this trip had just begun to form we all decided to fast together for a week. We were fasting specifically for confirmation - for God to tell us whether or not this is His will for our summer - and we had decided not to tell anybody about the idea until we knew for sure it was God. The night before the fast began I had a dream about us talking to our youth pastor's wife: We were bubbling with excitement as we talked with her and she asked what was up, but we said we couldn't tell her the specifics yet. As our conversation ended and we began walking away I looked back at her and she said two words..."dream big."

That was the night of October 26. I remember only because I felt the dream was significant so I documented it in my journal. That's not even the best part! On Thursday, May 13, I was driving to meet a friend for lunch. While doing so I was talking to Kiersten on the phone, and we were discussing the trip and all the excitement surrounding it. I pulled to a stop behind a car at a stoplight and my heart lept within me. "Stop talking!" I told Kiersten. She did and I proceded to tell her that the car in front of me had a big decal on the back window that said "Dream Big." Yes, you read that correctly. The very phrase our youth pastor's wife used in my dream months ago was written across the back of this car stopped right in front of me! Even now, two weeks from departure, God is confirming to us that this is all Him.

I believe God is also saying that this whole trip is so much bigger than we could imagine! He has been planning this since the beginning of time. He is up to something HUGE and I for one am so excited to be a part of it!

We may seem crazy. Our dreams for all that's going to happen may seem far-fetched. But I tell you the truth, God is not confined to the box of our understanding of this world. He goes beyond what we see as normal, predictable, and possible and orchestrates the supernatural, resulting in miracles, healings, restoration, salvation, and deliverance we never saw coming. Let it be!

Dream big...and see heaven meet earth.


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